Public Access
Micaila is qualified to undertake instruction directly from members of the public by virtue of the Public Access Rules 2004. This means that you are able to instruct her directly without the need for Solicitors.
Everything you need to know is set out on the BSB website here and you will receive a further copy if Micaila is formally instructed to act for you.
As part of those Rules and in line with the BSB Transparency Standards, we are obliged to set out the following details:-
Any Client, be they Professional, Licensed Access or Lay Clients may contact Micaila directly to obtain quotes for legal services. This can be done via our Contact Us page, via telephone on 01536 650950 or via any social media.
Quotations will be provided within a reasonable time frame once we have sufficient information to enable us to assess your case and quote accordingly.
Micaila is VAT registered and so all quotations will include VAT.
As is usual, once provided our quote will be binding. However, if the scope of the legal advice and/or work originally anticipated changes, this will of course impact on the quotation.
By providing a quotation this does not mean we have formally accepted instructions to act.
Any formal instruction to act will be set out in writing and will contain the quotation and the scope of work to be undertaken.
Micaila most commonly will set out a fixed fee for the work that she undertakes and this will be agreed in advance with the Client. Micaila does also operate by way of hourly rate depending on the circumstances. Micaila does also accept instruction to act through Insurers. At present Micaila is not accepting work under any Conditional Fee Agreements.
There may be occasions when we are unable (or unwilling) to accept instructions and in this instance we will provide full written reasons to you and assist in referring you to alternative providers.
Micaila most commonly practises in the area of Criminal Law, Motoring Law, Employment Law and General Civil Law. Her primary area of law is Criminal and she advises and represents Clients facing criminal charges at the Police Station, in the Magistrates’ or Crown Courts. She also acts for Clients in the High Court and Court of Appeal, and accepts instruction from the Crown Prosecution Service.
When timescales are provided to Clients at the beginning of any instruction, this may be subject to change depending on number of factors including:-
Micaila's availability
Availability of the Client and any relevant third party
Court waiting times
The complexity of the case
The amount of papers that need to be reviewed
The need for additional documents, information or investigation
The approach taken by other parties in the case
Any third parties intervening
Exceptionally at the present time there have been further delays than usual given the impact ofCOVID-19
As a Barrister all work that Micaila undertakes is Regulated by the Bar Standards Board. You can access the all of the Rules and Regulations on their website here.The link also shows Barristers who have a current practising certificate and whether there have been any disciplinary findings recorded against them.